Sunday, February 21, 2016

On the Road to Mandalay

We are off on the road again. This time,  a trip to Myanmar, where for the next 17 days we will explore the country from Yangon to Mandalay via the Irrawaddy River and the river boat AMAPura. We will then fly from Mandalay to Inle Lake for three nights in that fascinating region. Then returning to Yangon for four more days of photography. We should get to know the country pretty well by the end of the trip.

First, we had to get there and it is a long trip from Scottsdale. We left on Saturday morning at 6:00 AM going to LAX to connect with a Singapore Airlines flight that took us from LA to Tokyo to Singapore, where I am now writing this in the Singapore Airlines Lounge, and finally to Yangon. Through the magic of the International Date Line, it is now 5:30 AM Monday morning although it is 2:30 on Sunday in Scottsdale. All up we will have been traveling about 37 hours since we locked the door to the house.

We really don't want anyone to fret about the rigors of our travel. We do try to handicap things as best we can. Business class on Singapore Air is not all that bad. This is our first trip on an Airbus 380 and when we stepped onto the second floor of the plane, which is where Business Class is located,  we were pretty impressed.

These are the largest Business Class seats we have ever seen and they lay perfectly flat. They may not be as comfortable as the ones on Emirates, but the space they allow one is incredible and sleeping was a breeze. I do have the say the food and beverage service was pretty great as well. Here were some of the choices.

 We both had the multi-course Japanese dinner and it was fabulous.  Served Bento Box style, here's what the first box looked like. I regret that I was too busy eating to photograph the others.

All in all a great flight from LAX to Narita. We slept most of the way from Narita to Singapore. Upon landing, we had a mini-adventure. The tram to our next terminal was closed, it was 3:00 AM. So we decided to walk. Well, these self-assured, well-traveled folks, went the wrong way and walked about a half-mile to a dead end in the terminal and then had to retrace their steps back to the start point and then find the correct way to the next terminal. Changi is a big place and one hour later we finally made it to the lounge. It's not all champagne and canapes for us on the road. On the other hand, we did spot a unique sign and machine. How's that for a foot massage contraption.

It's almost time to board our next flight. Hopefully, we will have many more stories and interesting experiences along with some great pictures to share with you over the coming weeks.


  1. The bento box looked quite tasty.

    1. Thanks. It was. Having a terrible time sending emails. Did you get the correction one for the blog?
